Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Dear member,
As you know there are a great number of tournaments coming up over the coming months that you will be fighting/sparring in. Below is a list of items you will need to bring when going to these tournaments:

€10 for entrance fee
Appropriate footwear
Packed lunch or money for food

The following items are to be brought to all tournaments and if forgotten Boyle Boxing and Fitness Club will not be held liable. We ask all parents to make sure their child has these items with them.

Please DO NOT dispose of this letter and it will be the procedure for all tournaments. Please keep this as a reminder for the coming months.

We wish all the members competing in these tournaments the very best of luck.

Thank you 
Simon O Donnell      Diarmuid Beirne    Ryan Daly    Darren Roddy
Coaches of Boyle Boxing and Fitness Club

Timetable 2012

From the week commencing Monday 9th January Boyle Boxing and Fitness Club will have the following opening times :

Mens Training :      Monday : 19:30 - 21:00
5euro per night      Wednesday : 19:30 - 21:00
                             Friday  :   19:30 - 21:00

Womens Training : Tuesday : 19:30 - 21:00
5euro per night      Thursday : 19:30 - 21:00

Boys and girls(8years over ) Monday : 18:00 - 19:20
2euro per night                     Wednesday : 18:00 - 19:20

For information about Boyle Boxing and Fitness Club you can call:
Simon : 086 404 1830
Ryan : 086 241 1375
Diarmuid : 086 168 4314

Fight Night Recruitment

Boyle Boxing and Fitness Club are now recruiting fighters who would like the chance to spar in our Annual Fight Night in March 2012.Registration takes place until the end of this Month (January)Just give your name in the Club and the coaches will take it from there....Fight Night has proved to be a very successful event in Boyle...If you are interested in fighting in March you can contact one of our coaches and will have to be training by January 2012 in the Club..The numbers you will need to call are listed below :

Simon : 086 404 1830
Ryan  : 086 241 1375
Diarmuid : 086 168 4314
Darren : 086 881 2473